For the last 5 years, Paoli Presbyterian Church and friends in the community have banded together to raise money and awareness for some incredible mission partners through a 5K and Family Fun Day. We’ve supported Syrian Refugee Relief through World Vision and come alongside CityTeam in Chester to provide emergency relief for those hit hardest by the COVID-19 pandemic.
This year, we’re spicing it up by offering two incredible opportunities to come together, for fun and community, and for an amazing and worthy cause.
Cornerstone Christian Academy is a private independent school that has served Southwest Philadelphia since 1988. It offers a full academic program for Kindergarten through 8th grade in hopes of educating the children of Southwest Philadelphia, including those from at-risk neighborhoods, in an environment that provides the highest standards for academic achievement and spiritual development.
We’re thrilled to be hosting our first ever Back-to-School Block Party on Saturday, September 25 from 4:30-7:00. There will be live music, free activities for the kids, Food Trucks and more – all with opportunities to learn about and support the work of Cornerstone.
And we can’t forget the 5K Run/Walk! We’re going virtual again this year! People all around the country and world can participate. Invite your friends, family, co-workers, Facebook/Instagram friends, college roommates, and anyone who wants to have fun and help more and more kids in need receive an education that could change the course of their lives forever.
The Virtual 5K is virtual,
and the number of participants is limitless!
$20 per person for race entry.
Mark your calendar for the Back-to-School Block Party (FREE EVENT) on Saturday, September 25 and come ready to have some FUN with all your family and friends!
Register online for the Virtual 5K - Everybody's Welcome!
People from all across the country and world are joining us!
Consider asking your extended family and friends to join you to spend the day running, walking, or strolling to complete a 5K.
You will have fun and make great memories, and be part of a community providing funds to further the ministry of Cornerstone.
Registrations will be accepted through Saturday, September 18 if you want to have your time counted. All registrants can pickup a special Paoli 5K t-shirt from the church on Sunday, September 19.
Out of town participants will have their shirts mailed to them. (However, please note that t-shirts are only guaranteed to those who register prior to Sunday, September 5. We’ll likely have enough for everyone, but the earlier you register the better.)
Share on Social Media - RSVP that you’re going to the Block Party, use #Paoli5K and #backtoschoolblockparty tag us (@paolipres on Instagram/Facebook) so we can connect with you. We'll also be sharing your pictures and videos on our social media accounts leading up to and during the events! You may even be featured during a weekend service at www.paolipres.org/worship
The top 10 finishers will be posted on
social media on Monday, September 27!
*We cannot guarantee t-shirt delivery dates for international participants.
If you would like to donate to the Paoli 5K (all proceeds going to Corner Stone Academy) you can do so in the following ways...
And, of course, you can always send your checks to: 225 S. Valley Rd, Paoli, PA 19301 (Memo: Paoli 5k)
Interested in Sponsoring the Race?
Note: The Paoli 5K reserves the right to accept and decline sponsorships for any reason.
225 S. Valley Rd, Paoli, PA 19301
race@paolipres.org | Tel: 610-644-8250