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October 30, 2024


Beloved church family,


            Commitment Sunday approaches quickly.  On November 10th, we will ask willing congregants to submit an estimated giving for 2025.  Your giving estimate helps us plan our budget for the next fiscal year and allows us to more accurately predict offering income, which in turn helps us more accurately predict what we will be able to spend on all the important ministries of this church.  I hope you will be a part of that effort, either by submitting the included estimated giving card on that morning (Nov. 10), or by mailing it to the church at your convenience.


            If you were able to catch the “State of the (Comm)Union Address” I gave this past Sunday at the congregational meeting, you’ll know that there are some specific needs for ministry that we want to address this coming year.  Most of these needs are important first steps in allowing key ministries to thrive here at PPC.  And with that specific financial need, I’m making a specific financial appeal to you as a member of our church family.  And for full transparency, I want to share with you exactly how we would like to use that extra gift.


            I am appealing to you, brothers and sisters, to join me in adding 10% of your 2024 gift onto your 2025 gift.  Simply take your 2024 gift (let’s say it was $8,000), find what 10% of that gift is ($800), and add it to the total for next year ($8,800 for 2025).


            I recognize that for some this will be a steep ask.  For that reason, if you are in a position to add a little more than 10%, please do so, to help our church family members that can’t quite make it to that number.  If you cannot quite add that much, do not feel guilty or ashamed.  Simply give what you are able, and that which represents a sacrifice for you and your family.  Together, I truly believe we can make this happen.


            With that extra 10% of giving, we as pastors and a Session hope to do several important things:


  • We want to appropriately compensate Brittany Pancoast for the incredible work she is doing in administrative, communications, and Young Adult ministry.  Britt has taken on more responsibility than her starting salary justifies, and we need her to continue in these ministries, and keep her on staff here!

  • We would like to extend a permanent position on staff to our interim organist, Kevin Freaney, whose musical mastery, collaborative spirit, and kind heart have blessed us these past couple months.

  • We want to offer 3% cost of living raises and other small adjustments to other salaries to keep up with changing times and economics.  The pastors would receive only 3% raises - this isn’t an ask to line our own pockets.

  • We want to add programming money to Young Adult Ministry and Children’s Ministry, making sure that Britt and Felicia have all they need to accomplish their vision for those ministries.

  • We want to bolster the programming lines of other ministries and continue to grow in missional support to our community and world.

  • If the 10% giving increase happens congregation-wide, we can also account for natural attrition within the budget (folks passing away and moving away), as well as make progress to rectify deficit projections we’ve had the past few years.


As you can see, these goals allow us to invest in ministries that impact a large swath of congregants across different generations, interests, and ministries.  It also allows us to place ourselves on a firm foundation for future years from a financial and personnel standpoint – which means it is truly my hope to not have to make similar asks for the budget anytime soon.


Our Session has been reviewing our ministries of the church and encouraging our staff in their good work.  Our Session (who ultimately passes our church budget) stands with the pastors in support of this slate of additional investment in our ministry, and we hope you will, too.  You can do that by returning the included card on or by November 10th, and stepping up to offer the church whatever you prayerfully and faithfully decide you are able.


Thank you for all the ways you support our church family.  We are in this together, and there isn’t a group of faithful folks I’d rather have with me.



In the Name of Jesus,

Pastor Doug



“Whoever brings blessing will be enriched,

and those who offer water will themselves be refreshed.”

Proverbs 11:25



At Paoli Presbyterian Church, God has called us to End Relational Poverty: inviting all people to life-changing relationships with God through Jesus Christ and to authentic relationships with one another.

Achieving this goal costs approximately $1 million per year, all made possible through the generous giving of our membership. We want to continue growing all areas of ministry, allowing more people the opportunity to
Follow Jesus Together.

To do that, and to account for others being unable to continue giving, we ask each member and family to consider an increase in your estimated giving for 2022.
Your increased giving will allow the continued growth of vital ministries of worship, discipleship, and mission in the year to come.



Being a part of something begins with deciding on your level of commitment and participation. It's thinking about how you give today and your giving aspirations for the future. The Giving Ladder asks you to consider: Are you just beginning or are you "All In"?


Give beyond a tithe.

This is someone who realizes that, although the tithe is the minimum the Bible asks, God has prompted and enabled them to give more for the Kingdom.

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Faithfully give 10% of income.

This is someone who has seen the blessing that comes with giving, and is ready to commit to giving the tithe - 10% that Scripture asks of believers.

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Consistently give, but less than 10% of income.

This is someone ready to be more intentional about their giving,

has made an assessment, and determined to start giving consistently.

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First-time giver.

This is someone ready to take the exciting first step towards worshiping and growing through giving.

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