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November 9, 2022




Thank you for the wonderful ways you provide financial support to the church. Over these last few challenging years, your generosity has allowed us to continue growing ministries to children, students, and adults while extending Christ’s love in places like Belize and Egypt. On top of that, your contributions have nearly paid for a wonderful renovation and expansion of our building. This physical transformation has augmented our work of ending relational poverty by creating spaces in which we can grow closer to God and one another.


As we approach 2023, your renewed financial commitment will continue these important ministries. Lives are being changed. Your contributions make an eternal difference. Enclosed with this letter is a giving statement reflecting your General Fund estimates of giving and actual contributions in 2022. Please prayerfully consider increasing your commitment for the coming year.


You can make your 2023 commitment in a couple of ways.

  1. Estimate of Giving Card: In this mailing, we’ve included an Estimate of Giving Card. Make your commitment by returning this card to the church in person or by mail.

  2. Online Estimate of Giving Form: Go to and make your commitment there.


We’d love for you to join us on Sunday, November 20 as we commit our gifts to God in worship. But if you can’t come in person, we still ask you to make your commitment prayerfully, joyfully and in a timely manner. It will help our budget-making process immensely if all commitments are turned into the church by November 30.


Our God is a generous God. Will you reflect God’s generosity to you as you support the church? Such generosity comes from a life of faith, trust, and intentional choices. May such a culture of generosity touch every member of our church. Thank you for the privilege of sharing with you in the work of Jesus Christ here at Paoli Presbyterian Church!


In Christ,




Jonathan Mikesell




At Paoli Presbyterian Church, God has called us to End Relational Poverty: inviting all people to life-changing relationships with God through Jesus Christ and to authentic relationships with one another.

Achieving this goal costs approximately $1 million per year, all made possible through the generous giving of our membership. We want to continue growing all areas of ministry, allowing more people the opportunity to
Follow Jesus Together.

To do that, and to account for others being unable to continue giving, we ask each member and family to consider an increase in your estimated giving for 2022.
Your increased giving will allow the continued growth of vital ministries of worship, discipleship, and mission in the year to come.



Being a part of something begins with deciding on your level of commitment and participation. It's thinking about how you give today and your giving aspirations for the future. The Giving Ladder asks you to consider: Are you just beginning or are you "All In"?


Give beyond a tithe.

This is someone who realizes that, although the tithe is the minimum the Bible asks, God has prompted and enabled them to give more for the Kingdom.

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Faithfully give 10% of income.

This is someone who has seen the blessing that comes with giving, and is ready to commit to giving the tithe - 10% that Scripture asks of believers.

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Consistently give, but less than 10% of income.

This is someone ready to be more intentional about their giving,

has made an assessment, and determined to start giving consistently.

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First-time giver.

This is someone ready to take the exciting first step towards worshiping and growing through giving.

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