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About Me
Maddie Ridgeway

Hi everyone! My name is Maddie Ridgeway and I am the Director of Student Ministries here at Paoli Presbyterian. I started here at Paoli on staff in 2018, and prior to that I was a college intern/volunteer from 2014-2017. I graduated from Eastern University with a major in Youth Ministry, and I am currently in grad school for a Master of Practical Theology and hopefully a Master of Social Work. I love to tap dance, go on hikes with my dog, spend days at the beach, and frequent favorite restaurants with friends. My immediate family is my parents and myself. They live in Pittsburgh. I have a dog named Oliver who is a 4-year-old pit mix. My birthday is March 7th. I am always willing to hear good book recommendations or do a puzzle swap. Nice to meet you all!
Click here to contact Maddie!
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